Welcome to the newsletter for the week commencing 6th March 2023

Our monthly Taizé evening service takes place on Tuesday 7th March in church at 7pm. The service will be broadcast live via our website www.st-nicholas-church.org.uk.

On Sunday 12th March, Lent 3, we look forward to welcoming Rev. Christine Sandiford from St. James and Emmanuel, Didsbury, to lead our worship. Our service will take place in the Church Hall at 10.30am

Readings and intercessions from the St. Nick’s team. Our organist and MD, Ollie Mills will play music for the service. 

Readings ReadersHymn NumberHYMN
O.T113Chris Grundy106Dear Lord and Father of Mankind
Exodus 17:1-7221I am a new creation
N.T115Molly Popplewell73Brother, Sister, let me serve you
Romans 5: 1-11231I heard the voice of Jesus say
Gospel116Margaret Vessey287Just as I am without one plea
John 4:5-4283Christ’s is the world in which we move