Welcome to St. Nick’s on Sunday 22nd September 2024

Hello, St. Nick’s Kingsway!

Last Sunday was special—it was **Vision Sunday**! During the service we prayed and thought about the future of our church, the congregation were ready to dream big. The Gospel reading was **Mark 8:27-38**, where Jesus asks His disciples the ultimate question: “Who do you say I am?” Spoiler alert—Peter gets the answer right, but then immediately tries to tell Jesus how to do His job. Classic Peter.

In a way, Peter’s boldness mirrors the conversations we had about St. Nick’s future. We’re invited to dream big and step forward in faith, even if sometimes we might get it a little wrong—hey, even Peter had his moments!
The congregation were asked to think of three words to describe St.Nick’s.  It was great to reflect, to envisage where St.Nick’s is going, and maybe even consider a little holy correction if we get too caught up in our own plans! God’s got the final say, after all. 
Let us be a Centre of Creativity, Community and Community in Christ. 

Sunday 22nd September
Service of the Word and Baptism.
This Sunday we look forward to welcoming  Rev Mark Hewerdine to lead our service of the word with music from our MD and Organist, Ollie Mills. We look forward to welcoming  Sophia and her family for her baptism.