From The Churchwardens – October 2017

Jane and I have welcomed the opportunity to write the letter for the October magazine. We’ve been in charge for three months during Rachel’s sabbatical and although it has been a reasonably quiet time in the church calendar, we shall be glad to hand back the reins!

The assistant wardens and congregation have all helped us to keep things ticking over. July and August tends to be a quiet time in the life of St.Nick’s, a time for holidays and relaxation.
Father Alan has done a brilliant job of delivering Sunday services and keeping us all in check with worship and pastoral matters. He has not turned the church into a Basilica as yet but as I write this letter, there are two weeks to go until Rachel’s return, so there is time!

Father Alan has certainly been a source of invaluable advice and support. Rev Mark Hewerdine from our sister parish St.Chad’s has helped out with the 08.30am Sunday BCP service and Wednesday
morning services in July and September. We are very grateful to Alan and Mark for their contributions to our worship and for simply being at the end of an email or phone call.

In early September Father Alan delivered a training for all lay assistants and readers. We opened the building as usual for Heritage Open Days as part of the Didsbury events and we welcomed 68 visitors over the two days. Jill Lomas belongs to Chorlton Art Group and we are grateful to Jill and her friends for holding their usual exhibition in Church over the Heritage weekend. The art display adds interest and colour to the walls of the building.

We were also looking forward to Sally and Lee’s wedding, to Harvest Sunday and the start of the church preparation towards advent. Our Harvest collection has once again been donated to the charity for the homeless in Manchester, Barnabus.

Saturday September 16th brought a very special event to church, the marriage of our former ordinand, Sally Robinson to Lee Longdon. Sally is now a deacon and Lee is an ordained minister. When Rachel first announced that Sally and Lee has asked to hold their marriage service at St. Nick’s we were delighted and excited to be able to witness this special celebration. Sally and Lee kindly invited St.Nick’s church family to attend the wedding.

Jane and I realised that the wedding was going to be a rather grand affair when we were informed that over 230 guests were expected, there would be a Holy Communion and many of the clergy from the Diocese of Manchester would be in attendance including two Bishops, two Archdeacons, a list of Canons, the diocesan registrar and other VIPs. As well as lots of family and friends, no pressure then!

Sally and Lee had meticulously planned their day including hiring an extra 100 chairs, caterers and a florist. Lee had also hired a temporary organ which had the capacity to fill the whole building with sound. Rev Dr Michael Leyden, Sally’s tutor from St.Mellitus College married the couple, Bishop Mark presided at the Holy Communion and Archdeacon David Sharples delivered
the sermon. It was a new experience to prepare communion for over 200 guests with 4 chalices of wine. If only that could be our weekly congregation!

Sally and Lee’s wedding was a wonderful occasion, it was so special to share in their special day. Many congratulations to Lee and Sally!

Thank you to all the St.Nick’s folk who helped on Friday and Saturday including our hardworking car park attendants.

So, as the sabbatical comes to a close, the church is still in one piece and there have been no major catastrophes. The prayer groups have continued, pastoral visits and home communions have
been delivered, the PCC has met and continued to monitor all aspects of the church finances and fabric and we have enjoyed Father Alan’s weekly sermons and reflections. We have a lot to do in the coming months so let’s be thankful for all we have achieved together over the past three months and look forward to the rest of the year with eager anticipation for all it will bring.

With sincere thanks and love for all your prayers and support,

Alison and Jane


October 2017 Magazine