The Rector Writes – August 2014
Dear Friends,
As I write this note on Saturday 19th July and prepare the August edition of the Church magazine, Rachel is unfortunately spending a few days in hospital. We hope she will be home soon, we have sent her our love, prayers and good wishes for a speedy recovery.
In the magazine you will see we have a busy two months ahead….. From 4th to 8th August we are hosting another Holiday Club, on 5th and 6th September there will be a performance of a new production entitled ‘The Tree of War’ written by Rachel Mann and Ollie Mills to commemorate the centenary of the First World War and the church building will be open on Saturday 13th and Sunday 14th September from 10.00 to 4.00pm as part of National Heritage Weekend. The event will include a coffee morning on Saturday 13th from 10.00 to 12noon and an all- day café with guided tours of the church building. We need your help to provide refreshments and tours of the building….it is great showcase our unique church building and to demonstrate its versatility with a variety of events. More details of these events and ticket information is in this magazine.
Harvest collections are well underway for Burnage Food Bank and for Barnbus Charity for the homeless. Please remember to take advantage of two for one offers and bring along the spare items to church, toiletries, new underwear, socks, hats, gloves, tea bags, tins of soup, tomatoes, beans and other tinned goods. Thank you…
Please keep Rachel in your prayers,
With love and best wishes, Alison, Churchwarden.