Sunday 21st May 2023 (Easter 7)

Dear Friends,

Welcome to our newsletter for Easter 7, Sunday 21st May.
Christian Aid week starts on Sunday 14th May, please donate to this worthy cause, Envelopes will be available in Church. 

A word about this week’s gospel message John 17.1-11: The hour has come, and Jesus prays for the disciples. The words of his prayer point us to the glorious glory of God! The reading encourages us to explore the nature of glory and to consider the way in which glory might offer hope in challenging times. A strong and appropriate message. 

Our service on Sunday morning begins at 10.30 am look forward to welcoming Rev Jan Ainsworth to preside, our organist and MD, Ollie Mills, will accompany the hymns and lead the music. 

ReadingsPageReadersHymn NumberHymn
O.T245372O Jesus I have promised
Acts 1:6 -14Margaret Vessey26Alleluia sing to Jesus
N.T24730And can it be
1 Peter 4:12 -14; 5:6-11Christine PriceMy Jesus, My Saviour
Gospel876276Jesus Remember Me
John 17:1-11Rev Jan Ainsworth336Mine eyes have seen the Glory